The ITS Business Office manages purchases from the point of the initial request to receiving and issuing final payment. The links in this section can assist you in making a purchase request and learning more about what type of lead time to expect for various types of purchases.
HuskyBuy Catalog Orders
Use for any purchase in the HuskyBuy Shop Catalogs section. This includes but is not limited to Dell, Grainger, Office Depot, etc.
- In HuskyBuy select the vendor and shop for the items needed
- When done shopping checkout and send items to cart
- Add commodity code (click here for a list of common codes, you can also use the search function in HuskyBuy)
- Review order and assign cart to Ross Hoel until and unless specifically directed to assign to someone else
- When placing catalog orders you will not receive email notifications from the business office
- Click here to see how to track the status of catalog orders
To check the status of a HuskyBuy Order:
- Log into HuskyBuy
- Enter requisition number (obtained from the Business Office) into the Search field (top right of Home page) and click on requisition number in dropdown.
- Click on the PR Approvals tab (top left of page) for approval status.
- Click on the Comments tab to see any comments that may have been added
- Click on the History tab to see dates, steps taken and current status
Non-Catalog Orders
For all orders where the vendor is NOT in the HuskyBuy catalog
- Fill out “Order Request Form” from the link below to generate a ticket number.
- You will be notified when the order has been places and can check on status in HuskyBuy.
- Communication regarding the order should reference the ticket number.
Related Information
Processing Timelines and Requirements
Please note the expected processing times for Catalog & Non-catalog orders to reach final Purchase Order approval:
- Orders < $25K: 10-15 business
- Orders > $25K: 25 business days
- Orders > $100K require additional approvals and may take additional time
Any order regardless of amount that contains Terms & Conditions or a Statement of Work requires legal review and may add up to 90 days of additional processing time. Please plan accordingly.
Contract Requirements
- Purchases under $25K do not generally require a contract
- Purchases $25K – $99K for contracted and non-contracted vendors with University-wide annual spending between $25K and $99K. In a contracted order, the contract must appear on the quote. In a non-contracted order, three quotes are required, or if applicable you may use a sole source justification form. Sole Source Definition – there is a unique service that only your listed vendor can provide; it’s proprietary to the vendor or there is a specific justifiable business reason for choosing one vendor over others. Requirements: Quote(s) with Contract number listed (if applicable), and or sole Source
- Purchases over $50K require a contract number, or they may be subject to the RFP process (see note below). Requirements: Quote(s) with contract number listed, CIO approval
NOTE: An RFP is a formal bid process whereby the University solicits competitive bids for items or services in the event a contract is not available. This is a lengthy multi-month process. Purchasing turnaround time can be quite lengthy on orders of $50K due to contract creation, review, AG’s approvals & BOT approval. If an order goes out to bid, the process may take 9-12 months or longer. Please plan accordingly.
Changes for/on existing POs
Use if you need to add, change, or delete a line item to an existing PO, and it has not been paid in full. Once the PO has been paid, no further changes can be made.
Requirements: Need existing PO number, full list of changes, and the associated quote with effective date of change on quote. If discontinuing service (maintenance, license, etc), please indicate term date
Shipment of Packages
For package tracking and inventory purposes, use this form for all outgoing packages (Fedex, UPS and USPS) including RMAs for return of Warrantied Equipment.
Shipment of Packages Form
Outside Contractors
Use only when construction or infrastructure involves vendor labor services (e.g., Valley Communications, Northeastern, Fiber Optics, Network Installation). It cannot be used for consultants.
Required Attachments: A quote that lists the contract number with a breakdown of labor and materials. We prefer multiple vendor quotes that are listed on an associated contract (see UConn Contracts and State Contracts).
Consultants – IT
Before hiring a consultant, ITS must have a valid reason for hiring a consultant in lieu of hiring someone through the normal university search process (full or limited search or a SPAR search).
Requirements: Completed form, CIO Approval
Used for maintenance, licenses, memberships, and software renewals for the upcoming FY. You can review any of your renewals and decide to renew or cancel the current PO at any time throughout the year.
Requirements: Quote, Renewal Form (CIO Signature if over $50K)